About Us

About Income Swift

Income Swift is a platform to connect you with products and the proper education that makes the path to financial prosperity and freedom easier for everyone.

We created and will be creating a series of blogs and articles that will help you in your daily routine focusing on the Money Management, Profitable Strategies, and Excusion skills.

About the Author

Long story short. 

My Story with making Money online started 12 years ago when I wanted another source of income besides my income. and I failed misrebly. 

I tried sevral ways and techniques that promised me the world  and offcourse with no any success. 

I spent not less than 20,000$ on shiny objects and 10 years of life trying things that was supposed to make me rich in couple of hours 🤔. 

You Name it i Tried it in my life. 

  • Forex & Stock Trading​
  • Email Marketing 
  • Blogging & SEO
  • Social media marketing 
  • Amazon FBA 
  • Advertisment and Affialte marketing. 
  • …etc

Untill 3 years ago. When i finally got to know the secret of sucess.

You see, it is not about the a secret Sauce,  or a one-size-fits-all formula. There is no way that you will get the informaiton and implement it a voala (here comes the money), There will be several faliures that you will face no matter what. 

And here comes the secret of success. “Consistancy”

My basic philosophy is all about don’t give up.

All the mentioned techniques up there is proven to work, However, how long will it take you to be profiatable before giving up is the game here. 

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About Me. 

My name is Ahmed Altoukhy and i am a father and a family man

I’ve helped double the sales of multiple 6 and 7-figure businesses. How? Advertisment!

While advertisment is my core focus, there’s of course more to run a business. That’s why I also teach on various topics that I’ve used in my 10+ years in online marketing: Email Marketing, SEO, WordPress, Google ads, Microisoft Ads, and many things entrepreneur and business owner would like to know. 


  • 10 people become $10,000+ earners
  • 100 people become $1000+ earners
  • 1000 people make $1+ earners