7 Ways To Monetize Your Blog: Making Money With Blogging In 2022

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There are many ways to make money blogging in 2022. In this article, I will discuss 7 different methods that you can use to monetize your blog.  


Blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to build up a successful blog.

You have to be passionate about blogging and be willing to put in the time and effort to make it successful. There is no guarantee that you will make money blogging, but if you are patient and continue to work hard, you can create a successful blog.

The good news: A blog can be a very profitable business.

Blogging can be a very profitable business. A blog can also be a great way to build an audience and create a loyal following.

Blogging is a great way to make money. You can make five, six, and — in some cases — seven figures or more a year blogging.

You just need to find a good topic to blog about, build a following, and then monetize your blog. There are a number of ways to monetize a blog, including advertising, affiliate marketing, and selling products and services.

If you have the right skills and are willing to put in the work, you can make a lot of money blogging.

There are some considerations that you need to put in mind when you start to monetize your blog. 

The amount of income varies depending on the niche you are targeting, If you’re in the health and fitness industry, for example, then selling e-books and online courses may be a great way to make money.

But if you’re in the fashion industry, then selling clothing and accessories may be a better option.

So it really depends on your specific niche and what products or services you offer.

While there are some outliers, this is pretty much the definitive list of ways to make money online with a blog:

1. Consulting and Coaching

One way to make money from your blog is by doing work for other people in exchange for money.

While I’m not a fan of this type of work for the long term, it can be a great option when you’re just starting out.

I need to mention this first as it is one of the main caveats that you need to consider f you are using this technique

The downside to consulting or coaching is that it is not scalable.

This means that you can only work with a certain number of people at a time and you cannot reach a large audience with your services.

This can be a limiting factor for some businesses and may prevent them from growing as quickly as they would like.

But let us see first what is the difference between Consulting and Coaching:

What is Consulting in Blogging?

When you agree to do consulting work for a client, you are agreeing to do work for them.

This means that you will be working with your client for completing whatever tasks they ask of you, within the agreed-upon timeframe.

You may also be responsible for providing regular updates on your progress, and for meeting any other requirements your client may have.

What is Coaching in Blogging?

Typically, with coaching, you’re helping your client achieve some result.

This could be anything from developing better work habits, to improving communication skills, to becoming more successful in their personal or professional lives.

Whatever the goal may be, the coach’s job is to help the client achieve it. This often involves providing support, guidance, and feedback along the way.

However, for our purposes, we’ll consider coaching and consulting as the same kind of thing.

If you are looking to make money while sleeping Consulting/coaching doesn’t allow you to do this. You get paid only for the hours you work.

It’s really no different than working at a job, except with more freedom.

If you want to turn your consulting into a process you can sell as an online course or software, more into this in Point 5.  

  1. This will help you create a step-by-step guide that your students can follow.
  2. Next, you need to create some video tutorials or software demonstrations that show your students how to use your process.
  3. Finally, you need to market your course or software to potential students.

Essentially, your website is a glorified online brochure. the more good content you write, the more prestigious you will be. 

If you go this route with your blog, make sure you have some sort of sales funnel in place. 

If you want to make money through this Rought, you’ll need to have some sort of sales funnel in place.

(A sales funnel is a system that takes people who are interested in what you have to say and turns them into paying customers)

2. Blog Advertisements

Blog advertisements are a form of marketing in which businesses pay bloggers to post about their products or services. The idea is that by getting the word out about a product or service on a blog, it will help to generate traffic and sales.

Blog ads can be in the form of different shapes like

  1. Banners,
  2. Buttons,
  3. Videos, 
  4. Text links.
  5. …etc

They are used to grab the attention of the users and to persuade them to click on the ad.

The most common type of online ad is the banner ad, which is a rectangular image or video that is placed on a web page.

Blog ads distribution by position

Header ads

Header ads are usually placed at the top of a website, above the main content.

Header Ads are generally used to promote a product or service and can be quite intrusive to the user experience.

Content ads 

Content ads are placed within the main body of a website and are often used to generate revenue through clicks or impressions. Navigation sidebar ads are generally placed on the side of a website,

Content ads  are used to promote related content or products.

One of the bad sides of blog ads is that they can be too invasive and interrupt the user’s experience. The ads can be too loud or too bright and can take up a lot of space on the screen.

This can be distracting and make it difficult to read the blog post. The ads can also be misleading and lead the user to a website that is not related to the topic of the blog post.

The two primary ways to make money with online ads are:

  • Cost per click (CPC)
    • Cost per click (CPC) is an advertising pricing model where the advertiser pays a fixed price for each click on an ad.
  • Pay per click (PPC)
    • Pay per click (PPC) is a variation of the CPC pricing model where the advertiser only pays for each click on an ad when it leads to a conversion, such as a sale or registration.
  • CPM refers to Cost Per Mille
    • CPM stands for cost per mille, which is a term used in advertising. It is the cost of an advertisement per thousand impressions. This is a common way to measure the effectiveness of an ad, as it tells you how much it costs to reach a thousand people.

Why do I do not like online ads:

  • Significant Traffic Needed 

There’s no doubt that a new blog faces an uphill battle when it comes to generating traffic. Even if you have the best content in the world, you still need people to see it in order for it to make a difference.

Without significant traffic, your blog will likely languish in obscurity.

  • More Visitors Not Seeing Ads as They are Installing Ad blockers

Ad blockers are becoming more popular, with an estimated 41% of internet users now using them. This is likely due to the increasing number of ads that are being served up, many of which are intrusive or just plain annoying.

As a result, many people are installing ad blockers in order to avoid seeing these ads.

This could have a significant impact on publishers and advertisers, as it could mean that fewer people are seeing their ads. This could lead to a decline in ad revenue for publishers and a decrease in sales for advertisers.

  • Distracting to Your Brand

You worked hard to get people to come to your website, but then an ad banner sends them away to another website.

Not only is this potentially damaging to your brand, but it can also be very distracting for your visitors.

If they’re constantly being redirected to other websites, they’re likely to leave your site without taking the time to explore what you have to offer. This could result in a loss of potential customers and revenue.

  • Inappropriate Ads

Another issue with ads is that they can sometimes be inappropriate or offensive.

For example, an ad for a dating site might be shown on a website that is about cancer research. Or an ad for a new car might be shown on a website about environmentalism. This can be confusing or even offensive for website visitors.

  • Annoying Ads

Annoying ads are another common complaint among internet users.

Ads can be intrusive and disruptive, often taking up a large portion of the screen or popping up at random. They can also be misleading or inaccurate, leading users to believe they are clicking on something other than an ad.

Additionally, ads can track user behavior and collect personal information without the user’s consent. All of these factors can lead to a frustrating online experience.

If you’re still interested in using ad banners as a way to monetize your website, you can do so via two ways:

  1. Ad networks
  2. Private placement

Ad Networks

An ad network is a company that helps bloggers and other website owners place ads on their sites. Ad networks work with a variety of advertisers, and they typically offer a variety of ad sizes and formats to choose from. They also help track the performance of the ads, so you can see how well they’re doing.

Ad networks help businesses place ads on websites. They manage all the ad inventory and serve the best ad suited to each visitor.

Many of these ad networks require a least 60,000 unique visitors per month. 

This is a common requirement for most ad networks, as they want to ensure that their advertisers are reaching a large audience. This also ensures that the network is able to provide quality traffic to its advertisers.

If you do not have a large audience yet, don’t worry – there are many other ad networks that do not have this requirement.

Below is the list of the best 6 ad networks out there:

1. Google AdSense

Google AdSense is one of the most popular ad networks and is likely to be the first one you try.

It is easy to set up and use, and it has a wide reach. However, it is also competitive, so you may have a hard time making money with it if you don’t have a lot of traffic.

2. What is AdThrive  

AdThrive is a digital advertising company that helps website owners make money from their websites. AdThrive works with website owners to place ads on their websites and then shares the revenue from those ads with the website owners.

AdThrive is a great option for website owners who are looking to make some extra money from their websites.

3. What is Mediavine

Mediavine is a company that helps content creators monetize their websites and blogs. They do this by placing ad space on the websites and blogs of their clients and then splitting the revenue generated from those ads with their clients.

Mediavine is one of the largest ad networks in the world, and they work with some of the biggest brands in the world.

4. What is Media.net

Media.Net is a contextual ad network that uses the power of the web to connect advertisers with publishers. Media.Net is the second largest contextual ad network in the world and reaches over 1 billion unique Internet users each month.

5. Carbon Ads

Carbon Ads is a digital advertising company that helps brands and agencies create, manage, and measure their digital advertising campaigns. Carbon Ads offers a self-service platform that makes it easy for brands to create and manage their own digital ad campaigns. Carbon Ads also offers a suite of tools that helps brands measure the performance of their digital ad campaigns.

6. Ezoic 

Ezoic is a platform that helps bloggers to improve their website’s user experience, traffic, and revenue. Ezoic claims that it can help any website to increase its traffic by 50%. The platform is free to use and offers a wide range of features, including A/B testing, user feedback, and website analysis.

If you’re looking for an ad network to help monetize your website, I would recommend Ad Thrive.

They have a great platform that helps you optimize your ad placement and provides you with insights into how your ads are performing. They also have a wide variety of ad partners, so you’re likely to find one that’s a good fit for your site.

Private Ads

Private ad placement is an option for monetizing your website that not many people are familiar with.

It is an agreement between a website owner and an advertiser in which the advertiser has a specific spot on the website reserved for their ad.

This option is usually more expensive for the advertiser, but it allows them to have more control over their ad placement and the ability to target their specific audience.

The most challenging part of this is managing your ad inventory. You need a way to serve up the ads.

You also need to be able to track how many ads are being served and where they are being served.

This can be done through a third-party ad server or through your own in-house system.

You can choose to do one of three things.

  • WordPress plugin

If you’re just starting out, using a WordPress ad plugin is your best bet.

I recommend the AdSanity plugin. However, as you grow, you may want to use a different service to host your ads. This can slow down the loading of your blog.

  • Self-hosted ad server

If you know a lot about computers, you can set up your own ad server.

I used Revive Adserver, which is free to use. It lets you put the ads on a separate website page from the blog, which can make your blog run faster.

  • Hosted option

The easiest way to sell ad space on your website is to use a hosted option. One such option is Google Ad Manager, which is free and advanced.

However, I find it unnecessarily complicated and difficult to use, so I cannot recommend using it.

3. Sponsored Post

What is Sponsor Post?

Sponsored posts are just what they sound like: posts that are sponsored, or paid for, by a brand or company.

Typically, a brand will reach out to a blogger or social media influencer and offer to pay them to create a post about their product or service. Sometimes, the brand will even provide the blogger with the product or service for free.

Sponsored posts can be a great way for bloggers and social media influencers to make some extra money, and they can also be a great way for brands to reach a new audience.

However, before agreeing to do a sponsored post, be sure to read and understand the brand’s guidelines. Also, be sure to disclose that the post is sponsored.

With sponsored posts, you work out the terms with the merchant. This could include what the post will be about when it will be published, and how much you will be paid.

You may also want to include a disclaimer on your blog that states that the post is a sponsored post.

You can also promote the advertiser’s product through other media. For example, you can post a link to the product on your social media page or website.

You can also mention the product in your blog or podcast. You can also mention the product in your email newsletter.

How Can I Get A sponsor Post Deal? 

There are a few different ways to get sponsored posts. You can either go out and reach out to brands, or you can use a service that connects you with brands.

If you want to reach out to brands, you’ll need to create a media kit that explains who you are, what you do, and what your audience is. You’ll also need to provide statistics and examples of your work. 

For those just starting out, the easier way is to join a sponsorship network.

Sponsorship networks are organizations that connect brands with potential sponsors. They have pre-existing relationships with sponsors and can help you get your foot in the door.

In addition, they can provide you with resources and advice to help you create a successful sponsorship program.

Can Anyone Get A Sponsor Post Deal?

Sponsorship networks usually require a specific amount of monthly traffic or followers to your blog. They want to ensure that their sponsors are being seen by a large audience and that their investment is worth it.

This is why it is important to grow your blog and audience as much as possible so that you can join and benefit from these networks.

If you do a sponsored post, you are legally required to disclose that the article was paid for.

This is to ensure that readers are aware of any potential bias and can make an informed decision about whether to trust the information in the article.

Disclosure of sponsorship is also required by most advertising standards organizations.

In addition, If you do a sponsored post, make sure the links to the merchant are nofollowed. Many merchants use sponsored posts as a way to increase the number of links to their websites.

What do I Think Of Sponsor Post?

Honestly, I’m not a fan of using sponsored posts and believe they require too much effort for a small payout. However, there are a lot of people who are making a fortune with Sponsor Post 

I also think that it’s misleading to readers, who may not be able to tell the difference between a sponsored post and an editorial post.

Another downside to sponsored posts is that they require a certain amount of web traffic in order to be effective.

If you don’t have a large following, it can be difficult to attract sponsors. Additionally, even if you do have a large following, you may not be able to ask for the same rates as bigger bloggers.

This means that you may not be able to make as much money from sponsored posts as you would like.

4. Affiliate Marketing

What is affiliate marketing? 

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts. 

The industry has four core players:

  • The merchant —-  The merchant is the company that sells the product or service.
  • The network —-  The network is the company that connects the merchant and the publisher. 
  • The Publisher —- The publisher is the company that provides the advertisement or link to the affiliate.
  • The Affiliate —-  The affiliate is the person who advertises or links to the merchant’s products.

Why should I use affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. You can make money by promoting other people’s products and services.

You don’t have to create your own product or service. You can simply promote other people’s products and services and earn a commission for every sale that you make. 

How can I benefit from Affiliate marketing? 

With affiliate marketing, you promote and market another company’s products. You make money when a visitor clicks on a link and then converts.

It’s a simple way to make money by promoting other people’s products or services.

You can find products to promote by doing a Google search or by looking on affiliate networks like Clickbank or Commission Junction.

There is no doubt that a beginner blogger can make significantly more money from affiliate marketing than from ad banners.

How Can I Monitor My Affiliate Marketing Progress?

There are a few things you can do to help cure your affiliate marketing progress.

  1. First, make sure you are organized and have a plan. Having a plan will help keep you on track and make sure you are making the most of your time.
  2. Second, make sure you are targeting the right audience. If you are not targeting the right people, you will not make any sales.
  3. Lastly, make sure you are using the right tools. There are a lot of great tools out there that can help you improve your marketing efforts.

What matters most is your audience’s engagement. If your audience is not engaged, you will not make any money. You need to find a way to engage your audience and keep them engaged.

There are many ways to do this, but it will vary depending on your audience. You need to find what works best for you and your audience. Keep experimenting until you find what works and keep doing it

The 2 common methods for conversions are:

  • CPL — Or Cost Per Lead.
    • You get paid when someone signs up to the affiliate’s mailing list. These signups may or may not become paid customers.
  • CPA — Stands for Cost Per Action.
    • You get paid when someone buys something from the merchant.

What do I Think Of Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is my favorite way to make money online.

I love that it’s a simple way to make money by promoting other people’s products. I also love that it’s a residual income stream, meaning that I continue to make money even after I’ve stopped working.

Plus, there are so many great affiliate programs out there that it’s easy to find one that fits my interests and needs.

The beauty of affiliate marketing 

  • No inventory is required for affiliate marketingNo inventory is required and there is no need to create or ship any products.Affiliate marketing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to market your products or services online.
  • No customer service is required for affiliate marketingAffiliate marketing can be a great way to make money without having to provide any customer service.Affiliates simply promote the products or services of another company and earn a commission on sales. This can be a great way to make money if you are not interested in providing customer service or if you are not good at it.
  • No research and development are required for affiliate marketingAffiliate marketing is a form of online marketing that rewards website owners for driving traffic to a merchant’s website. Affiliates are paid a commission for each sale they generate.There is no research and development required for affiliate marketing.

What are the Downsides of Affiliate marketing?

  1. Affiliate marketing can be competitive and difficult to break into.Affiliate marketing can be a competitive and difficult industry to break into. There are many affiliate networks and programs available, and it can be hard to determine which ones are the best fit for your business.There is also a lot of competition among affiliates for commissions, so it can be difficult to make a profit.However, with the right strategies and tools, affiliate marketing can be a successful and profitable business venture.
  2. Affiliate marketing requires a lot of work.Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money, but it requires a lot of work. You have to create a website, drive traffic to it, and then find affiliate programs that fit your niche.You also need to be able to write effective sales copy and create effective marketing campaigns. If you can’t do these things, you will struggle with affiliate marketing.
  3. Affiliate marketing can be frustrating.Affiliate marketing can be frustrating because there is so much competition. It can be hard to make money because you are not the only one trying to sell the product. You also have to be careful not to get scammed by the people you are working with.
  4. Affiliate marketing is that you don’t own the product you’re offering.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money, but there is a downside.

You don’t own the product you’re offering. This means that if the company goes out of business, you lose your income. You also don’t have any control over the price or the quality of the product.

You need to use multiple affiliates to maximize your profits. Why?

There are a few reasons why you would want to use multiple affiliates to maximize your profits.

  • First, by using multiple affiliates, you can reach a larger audience. This is because each affiliate will have its own network of customers and followers that you can tap into.
  • Additionally, using multiple affiliates can help you to increase your profits. This is because each affiliate will likely have a different commission rate, so you can earn more money by partnering with multiple affiliates.
  • Finally, using multiple affiliates can help you to better manage your marketing efforts. This is because each affiliate will likely specialize in different marketing channels, so you can focus your efforts on the channels that are most effective for you.

5. Digital Products 

There is no question that the next level up for online entrepreneurs is building their own digital products. The great thing about this is that there are literally millions of potential customers out there who are looking for exactly what you have to offer.

Digital Products Can Be Broken Down Into Three Different Types:

  • E-Books
  • Online courses (via video, audio, or text)
  • Software (one-time purchase and download)

One of the nice things about digital products is that you can create them once and then sell them over and over again.

This is in contrast to physical products, which require time and money to create each time they are sold. With a digital product, you simply have to create the product once and then make it available for sale.

This can be done in a variety of ways, such as through a website, an online store, or a digital marketplace.


There are many advantages to creating ebooks. They are easy to distribute and can be read on a variety of devices.

They are also a great way to promote your business or website. Ebooks can be used to provide valuable information to your customers or to sell products and services. They are also a great way to build your brand and create a loyal following.

Why E-books? 

Ebooks work well because they’re relatively easy to produce. With the advent of self-publishing, anyone with a computer and an internet connection can produce an ebook.

This means that there’s a lot of competition, but it also means that there’s a lot of variety. You can find an ebook on any topic, and you can find one that’s been written by an expert on that topic.

  • When you write an ebook, you are providing a valuable resource to your readers. They can learn from your experience and expertise in the topic.
  • This builds credibility for you as an expert in the field. When you are seen as an authority, you are more likely to be respected and trusted by your readers.
  • This can lead to more opportunities for you, such as speaking engagements or joint ventures. Writing an ebook is a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your field and build credibility with your audience.

Online Courses 

With online courses, you deliver educational material electronically. This can include videos, articles, quizzes, and other course materials. It’s a great way to keep students engaged and learning.

Plus, it’s more convenient for students because they can access the materials from anywhere.

Why Online Courses?

You can teach anyone in the world, regardless of their location. This opens up the possibility of teaching people in other countries and sharing knowledge with people from all over the globe.

It also allows for more people to learn from experts who may be located anywhere in the world.

The format today is typically some form of video. It could be as simple as capturing your screen as you present your PowerPoint slides or as complex as recording a live interview or event. The key is to make sure your content is engaging and easy to follow.

There are a few different ways to host online courses.

  1. You can host your online course on your blog.You can host your online course on your blog. This is a great way to get started with online courses. You can use your blog to promote your course and to provide information about the course to potential students. You can also use your blog to provide a forum for students to ask questions and to provide feedback.
  2. You can host your online course educational platform such as Teachable.Teachable is a platform that enables educators to create and sell online courses. It provides a customizable platform, user-friendly tools, and an easy-to-use interface.Instructors can create courses, upload content, manage students, and track their progress. Students can enroll in courses, access course materials, and participate in discussion forums.Teachable also provides marketing and payment tools to help instructors reach more students and monetize their courses.
  3. You can host your online course on a course-hosting platform like Udemy.Hosting your online course on a course-hosting platform like Udemy can have a lot of benefits.- For one, you’ll have access to a built-in audience of students who are already looking for online courses to take.- Additionally, these platforms provide all the tools and resources you need to create and market your course, from video hosting to marketing materials and student support.- Finally, using a course-hosting platform can be a great way to build your brand and grow your business.


Developing software can be a very lucrative endeavor, but it requires a lot of hard work. If you’re not technically inclined, it can be difficult to get started in the software development field.

However, if you’re able to put in the time and effort, you can reap the rewards handsomely. There are many different programming languages and frameworks out there, so it’s important to find one that you’re comfortable with and stick with it.

When it comes to software, there are two main types:

  1. Those that have a one-time fee,
  2. Those that are subscription-based (Saas).

Saas software is the most popular type, as it allows users to pay a monthly or yearly fee in order to use the software.

This type of software is great for businesses, as it allows them to save money on the initial cost of the software, and also makes it easy to upgrade or downgrade their subscription depending on their needs.

However, there are also many benefits to using one-time fee software

6. Membership Sites and SaaS

This business model is one is my favorites, and I’ve done quite well with it.

It’s simple, and there are a number of ways to make money with it. You can generate leads and sell products or services, or you can simply refer people to other businesses.

In either case, you’re earning a commission on the sale. This business model is very popular, and there are a number of ways to get started. You can find products to sell online, or you can join an affiliate program. 

One of the benefits of using a software as a service (SaaS) platform for your membership site is that you have a recurring revenue stream.

This means that your members will pay a monthly or annual fee to be a part of your site, and you will continue to receive revenue from them as long as they remain members.

This can be a great way to ensure that your site is always generating income, even if you don’t have a lot of new content or products to offer. It also helps to keep your members engaged and coming back for more, since

The problem with this type of monetization is that it takes a while to grow your monthly revenue.

You need to have a lot of traffic and subscribers to make a significant amount of money. If you don’t have traffic, you won’t make much money at all.

7. Physical Products

There are a few things to think about when selling products. One is whether you are selling your own products or someone else’s products.

If you are selling someone else’s products, you need to be sure that you are authorized to do so. You also need to be sure that you are familiar with the products and the company selling them.

If you are selling your own products, you need to be sure that you have a good understanding of your target market and what products they are likely to want. You also need to have a good marketing strategy in place to reach your target market.

What Are the Ways To make Profit from Physical Products?

A common option is using Amazon’s FBA program

There are many benefits to using Amazon’s FBA program as you can store and ship your products. 

You don’t have to worry about packing and shipping your products, as Amazon will take care of storing and shipping them.

This can be a great option if you’re selling a lot of products and don’t have the time or resources to handle packing and shipping yourself

E-Commerce using WordPress.

If you’re looking for an e-commerce platform to use with WordPress, Woocommerce is a good option.

It’s free and relatively easy to set up, and it has a lot of features that can help you run your online store. It’s also been widely adopted by other WordPress users, so there’s a large community of developers and users who can help you if you need support.

The next level up is to drop-ship a product.  no inventory, no shipping

With drop shipping, you don’t have to worry about inventory or shipping. When a customer orders a product from your website, you simply contact the supplier, and they will ship the product directly to your customer.

This process is simi automated, and you don’t have to worry about a thing. The issue is that you have no control over costs other than switching vendors.

The issue is that you have no control over costs other than switching vendors.

You can’t control the cost of the raw materials, the cost of labor, or the cost of shipping. The only thing you can do is find a vendor who can offer you the best price on the products you need.

Personally, I’m not a fan of selling physical products. I’ve tried it in the past and it just wasn’t for me.

However, I have a few friends who do very well with it. They have a good system down and they know how to market their products effectively. I’m really impressed by what they’ve been able to achieve and I’m glad that they’ve found a way to make money that works for them.


There are many ways to make money blogging. However, the 7 methods I have discussed are some of the most popular and effective ways to monetize your blog. Choose the method that best suits your blog and start making money today!

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